Our Mentors

People with professional experience and understanding of the employment market in their country. Mentors generously volunteer their time, sharing their wealth of experience, knowledge, and insights to empower mentees to overcome existing barriers for refugees to find work and become self-sufficient.
Yury Zaytsev
Senior Strategy Manager, USA
I worked at McKinsey, Unilever, PepsiCo, and Walmart Marketplace. I am enthusiastic about assisting others with their career development, including CV writing, career change planning, and job search strategies. I also can guide and support in preparing for interviews, particularly in English. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions.
Marina Bernhard-Kozyreva
Communication & Networking Manager, Germany
I have over 15 years of experience in recruiting. I understand the expectations of recruiters and hiring managers when reviewing CVs, as well as the most effective ways to present yourself during an interview. With a background in career consulting, I can assist you in defining your next career step or identifying potential obstacles. Currently working in the game development industry, I have a broad network within various IT companies.
Maryna Marmeladze
Reputation Management Consultant, Canada
15 years in politician reputation management – witnessed how self-presentation rocks careers. Excited to be your global career guide. I can help craft an international resume, refine self-presentation for confidence, and showcase unique talents, no matter the field. With a degree in Psychology, my approach has that extra depth.
Roman Musatkin
Head of Design, Finland
Seasoned Product & Design specialist with 10 years of experience in high-growth tech startups. Throughout my career, I've conducted over a hundred interviews for roles in design and product management. I can help you with writing a CV, preparing for interviews, and designing a career growth path in product design and adjacent roles. Additionally, I can share tips on learning languages (I speak English, Italian and Persian) and finding job opportunities in the EU.
Georgii Uzkikh
FP&A Manager, Germany
4+ years of experience in Financial Planning and Analysis. I am currently working for a Scaleup company in Berlin. I am ready to help with CV, CL, and interview preparation.
Arina Steshenko
Entrepreneur, Business Psychologist, Austria
I’ve been passionate about psychology my whole life, which led me to pursue Master in Psychology with a Specialization in Business Psychology. I am eager to mentor and empower people on their career journeys and share my knowledge. I have broad experience in Human Resources, from Talent Acquisition, People Services and Onboarding to HR Business Partner and Employee Experience (L&D), therefore, I am very happy to help you with your CVs, and application documents and conduct mock interviews in English.
Sandi Conroy
Career Coach (Formerly Data Scientist & Manager), the UK
After 16 years in analytics roles helping companies make smart, data-based decisions, I made the switch to Career Coach to focus on helping people build intentional, sustainable careers. I've got tech industry experience (including FAANG) and strong experience in interview preparation.
Tatiana Kartashova
Project manager, Germany
The project manager working in the game development field for 3 years. Making sure projects are delivered on time and quality by happy teams. Previously obtained a PhD and worked in research for 7,5 years in sum.
Denis Oliynik
Program manager, Lithuania
Short variant: I've been passionately engaged in my favorite activity for over 13 years – working with people. I've worked in HR in IT, Gamedev, Telecom, and HORECA industries. For the last two years, I've been overseeing projects focused on creating and implementing DE&I (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) culture in international companies, and I've also been working as a project coordinator in a queer non-profit organization. I've helped over 500 clients find jobs at Google, Amazon, Microsoft, EPAM, IBS.